import numpy as np
from IPython.display import Audio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, fft2, ifft2, fftshift, ifftshift
#from scipy import ndimage, misc
from scipy.signal import gaussian
from joSigProc import *
fs = [15,7]
F1 = np.zeros(128); F2 = F1.copy(); F3 = F1.copy()
F1[1] = 0.9
F2[4] = 0.5
F3[12] = 0.2
f1 = ifft(F1)*len(F1); f2 = ifft(F2)*len(F2); f3 = ifft(F3)*len(F3);
plt.subplot(2,3,1); plt.plot(np.real(f1)); plt.axis([0,128,-2,2])
plt.subplot(2,3,4); plt.stem(F1); plt.axis([0,128,-1,1]);
plt.subplot(2,3,2); plt.plot(np.real(f2)); plt.axis([0,128,-2,2])
plt.subplot(2,3,5); plt.stem(F2); plt.axis([0,128,-1,1]);
plt.subplot(2,3,3); plt.plot(np.real(f3)); plt.axis([0,128,-2,2])
plt.subplot(2,3,6); plt.stem(F3); plt.axis([0,128,-1,1]);
f = f1 + f2 + f3
F = F1 + F2 + F3
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.plot(np.real(f)); plt.axis([0,128,-2,2])
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.stem(F); plt.axis([0,128,-1,1]);
Why do indecies above N/2 correspond to lower (negative) frequencies?
N = 32
tt = np.linspace(0, N, 1000)
# Start with a low frequency index
k = 2
F4 = np.zeros(N);
F4[k] = N
f4 = ifft(F4)
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.plot(tt, np.cos(2.*k*np.pi*tt/N), 'r-'); plt.plot(np.real(f4),'.', markersize=8);
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.plot(np.real(f4),'.', markersize=8);
k = 7
F4 = np.zeros(N);
F4[k] = N
f4 = ifft(F4)
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.plot(tt, np.cos(2.*k*np.pi*tt/N), 'r-'); plt.plot(np.real(f4),'.', markersize=8);
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.plot(np.real(f4),'.', markersize=8);
k = 16
F4 = np.zeros(N);
F4[k] = N
f4 = ifft(F4)
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.plot(tt, np.cos(2.*k*np.pi*tt/N), 'r-'); plt.plot(np.real(f4),'.', markersize=8);
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.plot(np.real(f4),'.', markersize=8);
k = 29
F4 = np.zeros(N);
F4[k] = N
f4 = ifft(F4)
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.plot(tt, np.cos(2.*k*np.pi*tt/N), 'r-'); plt.plot(np.real(f4),'.', markersize=8);
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.plot(np.real(f4),'.', markersize=8);
Once your index gets past $\frac{N}{2}$, the Fourier coefficients start to correspond to lower and lower frequencies. The plot below show what frequency corresponds to each index. This phenomenon of higher frequencies looking like lower frequencies is called "aliasing".
F = np.zeros(16384)
N = len(F) # Number of samples in time (or space)
Omega = 8192 # Sound is samples at 'Omega' samples per second (Hz)
L = N / Omega # The sound clip will be L seconds long
# To get the corresponding freqencies for the Fourier coefficients,
# we can use these lines.
omega = np.arange(0,N, dtype=float)
omega[omega>=np.floor(N/2)] -= N
omega /= L
plt.plot(omega, 'b--');
plt.plot(omega,'.'); plt.xlabel('Index'); plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)');
idx = 4000 # frequency idx/L Hz
F = np.zeros(N)
F[idx] = 1.1
f = np.real(ifft(F)) # IDFT
f = f / max(f) # normalize so we don't blow out our speakers
# Plot it
plt.plot(omega, abs(F) )
plt.title(str(omega[idx])+'Hz Tone')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
#PlotFT(f, Omega, 1)'tone.wav', Omega, f)
Audio(f, rate=Omega)
# Widening filter on voice
Omega, f ='Stamp.wav')
Audio(f[15*Omega:32*Omega,0], rate=Omega)'Stamp_15-32.wav', Omega, f[15*Omega:32*Omega,0])
Omega, f ='Stamp.wav')
f1 = f[32*Omega:42*Omega,0]
g1 = FilterSignal(f1, 0.05*len(f1), band='low')
PlotFT(f1, Omega, fig=1, color='0.75')
PlotFT(g1, Omega, fig=1, clf=False)
Audio(g1, rate=Omega)
# Narrowing filter on banjo
Omega, f ='TwoHeads.wav')
Audio(f[25*Omega:37*Omega,0], rate=Omega)
ff = f[150*Omega:165*Omega,0].copy()
PlotSignal(ff, Omega)
Audio(ff, rate=Omega)
FF = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(ff))
shifted_omega = ShiftedFreqSamples(ff, Omega)
PlotFT(ff, Omega);
T = 800
G = FF.copy()
G[abs(shifted_omega)>T] = 0.
plt.figure(1); plt.clf()
PlotFT_raw(shifted_omega, abs(G), color='r');
g_low = np.real(ifft(ifftshift(G)))
g = g_low
Audio(np.real(g), rate=Omega)
T = 1200
G = FF.copy()
G[abs(shifted_omega)<T] = 0.
PlotFT_raw(shifted_omega, abs(G), fig=1, clf=False)
g_high = np.real(ifft(ifftshift(G)))
g = g_high
Audio(np.real(g), rate=Omega)
Omega, f ='handel.wav')
F = fftshift(fft(f))
shifted_omega = ShiftedFreqSamples(f, Omega)
t = TimeSamples(f, Omega)
#shifted_omega = ShiftedFreqSamples(f, Omega)
print('Sampling rate is '+str(Omega)+' Hz')
print('Number of samples is '+str(np.shape(f)))
plt.plot(shifted_omega, fftshift(abs(F)))
plt.title('Frequency Domain')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
Audio(f, rate=Omega)
Fshift = F
tau_1 = 50
tau_2 = 1200
shift_Hz = 400
L = t[-1]
shift = int(shift_Hz*L)
idx1 = list(shifted_omega>=tau_1).index(True)
idx2 = list(shifted_omega<tau_2).index(False)
idx = np.arange(idx1,idx2)
Fshift[idx+shift] = F[idx]
g = ifft(ifftshift(Fshift))
Audio(np.real(g), rate=Omega)